Grounding Solution for Switch-Pros Now in Development

Grounding Solution for Switch-Pros Now in Development

With the success of our Switch-Pros mounts, we wanted to offer a better solution to grounding all those new accessories you plan to install with your new Switch-Pros.

We want to offer a Ground block that consolidates all of your circuit's Negative leads and maintains the rugged and waterproof integrity that the Switch-Pros already provides; otherwise, what's the point, right? The block must accommodate all the circuits available to each model, the 9100 and the RCR. It also needs to handle the current of each circuit and provide a single cable connection to the battery. Oh, and they need to come in different mounting configurations.

Our grounding solution should also eliminate any ground looping and noise associated with said ground loops. 

We wanted to offer a wiring solution that the customer could easily customize for their unique installation requirements without spending much money on specialized crimping tools or needing knowledge or experience with automotive-style connectors and terminals.

We will be offering piece-together wiring harnesses with the connectors pre-terminated and turned into pigtails so the customer can cut each circuit to their desired length and join to their respective connector at the accessory with a standard soldered heat-shrink butt connector. This way, the only tools one would need to create a custom-fit harness are a pair of diagonal cutters, some wire strippers, and either a heat gun or butane lighter.

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